

2016-05-13 14:42




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    Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen

  There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.

  Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.

  Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.


  Learning is a daily experience and lifetime mission.

  Undoubtedly, learning is a daily experience and lifetime mission. For instance, Madam Curie, who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity and became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, was known for her persistence in learning.

  Several reasons, both social and individual, could account for the importance of constant learning. Firstly, in an age of ruthless and relentless competition, only by learning constantly can we bring our potential and ability into full play and catch up with the times. Secondly, learning does not only help us acquire knowledge, but also enriches our lives and broadens our horizons. Thirdly, science and technology change with each passing day. Without constant learning, it would be impossible for us to update our knowledge.

  Accordingly, it is constant learning that really matters in achieving success in modern society. In my humble opinion, it is high time that parents and teachers made joint efforts to encourage children to read more books instead of playing computer games all day.


  Listening is more important than talking

  It is no exaggeration to say that listening is more important than talking. For instance, without listening, a baby wont know how to speak; without enough listening, we cannot speak English fluently; without listening carefully in classroom, we cannot follow our teachers.

  There are several reasons to account for the importance of listening. First and foremost, only by listening to others carefully can we understand their points of views. Secondly, more listening can not only broaden our horizons, but also helps us absorb others’ wisdom. Last but not least, listening is an input and talking is an output. It is unwise to voice our opinions in those topics that we are unfamiliar with.

  As an old Chinese old saying goes, silence is gold. Therefore, in my humble opinion, it is of great significance for us to spend more time in listening instead of rushing to speak.

【编辑推荐】:>>郑州新东方四级辅导课程<< ——为孩子打开通往名校的直通车




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  • 国外留学
  • 大学考试
  • 师资力量


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