时政热点| CNN:美国成全球确诊病例最多的国家 三分之二人口面临居家令
2020-05-22 16:33
shut down a place 关停
How long is the question being asked by workers, students, politicians and business leaders around the world with so many places shut down. 由于许多地方被关停,世界各地的工人、学生、政治家和企业领袖都在问的问题是,这种情况要持续多久?
more than 684,000 cases of coronavirus worldwide 全球冠状病毒确诊病例超过68.4万例
According to Johns Hopkins University, there were more than 684,000 cases of coronavirus worldwide when we produced this show. 根据约翰霍普金斯大学的统计,截至本期节目制作时,全球冠状病毒确诊病例超过68.4万例。
be are expected to recover 有望康复
Most who have the disease are expected to recover, though more than 32,000 people have died from it so far. 大多数患者有望康复,尽管到目前为止该病毒已造成超过3.2万人死亡。
has the most cases of any country 是世界上确诊病例最多的国家
The United States now has the most cases of any country with roughly 125,000 people who've caught the disease. 美国现在有约12.5万人感染冠状病毒,是世界上确诊病例最多的国家。
to prevent COVID-19 from spreading 防止新冠肺炎传播
More than two-thirds of America's population has been told to stay home to prevent COVID-19 from spreading. 超过三分之二的美国人被告知呆在家里,以防止新冠肺炎传播。
be not spread evenly across America 并非均匀地分布在美国各地
The cases are not spread evenly across America though. 不过,这些病例并非均匀地分布在美国各地。
be by far the hardest hit state 迄今为止疫情最严重的州
More than 40 percent of them are in New York, by far the hardest hit state. 40%以上的病例来自纽约州,该州是迄今为止美国疫情最严重的州。
neighboring state 相邻州
That's why on Saturday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control told people in New York and in two neighboring states, Connecticut and New Jersey, not to travel to other states. 因此,美国疾病控制中心在周六告知纽约州及两个相邻州康涅狄格州和新泽西州的居民,不要前往其他州。
have reported fewer than 200 cases each 每个州报告的确诊病例均少于200例
But there are places like the Dakotas, Montana, Nebraska and West Virginia that have reported fewer than 200 cases each. 而在达科他州、蒙大拿州、内布拉斯加州和西弗吉尼亚州等地,每个州报告的确诊病例均少于200例。
find a balance between keeping the country shutdown and reopening it entirely 在保持国家关闭和完全重新开放之间找到平衡
So an American health official says the Trump Administrationis trying to find a balance between keeping the country shutdown and reopening it entirely. 因此,一名美国卫生官员表示,特朗普政府正试图在保持国家关闭和完全重新开放之间找到平衡。
reopen in the weeks ahead 在未来几周重新开放
This could mean that some schools and businesses where there aren't a lot of coronavirus cases, may reopen in the weeks ahead. 这可能意味着,在冠状病毒确诊病例不太多的部分地区,学校和企业可能在未来几周复学复工。
has given the green light for 已经批准Of course New York is not part of that. The U.S. government has given the green light for four new emergency hospitals to be built there. 当然,纽约州不在其中。美国政府已经批准在纽约州新建四所应急医院。
ventilator 呼吸机
It's also working to get more ventilators, machines that help hospital patients breathe, built and distributed. 纽约州还在努力生产并分发更多呼吸机,呼吸机是帮助患者呼吸的机器。
give free flights to medical workers heading for coronavirus stricken areas 为前往冠状病毒疫区的医护人员提供免费航班
Companies like New Balance are working to make more facial masks. Delta airlines is giving free flights to medical workers heading for coronavirus stricken areas. 新百伦等公司正在努力生产更多口罩。达美航空公司为前往冠状病毒疫区的医护人员提供免费航班。
sign a $2 trillion stimulus bill签署2万亿刺激法案
Some small businesses, the ones you'll find on Main Street, are coming up with creative ideas to serve customers while they and others wait for financial help from a $2 trillion stimulus bill that President Donald Trump signed on Friday. 大家在大街上看到的小企业正在想出创意来为客户服务,同时,他们和其他人也在等待唐纳德·特朗普总统在周五签署的2万亿刺激法案提供的经济援助。
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