

2019-08-20 09:46



家庭教育 小学辅导 中考干货
高考干货 艺考专区 考研备考
雅思考试 托福考试 线上免费课


  1、 be pretty organised in terms of my time 时间管理地非常好

  I'd say I'm not too bad at it actually.  I mean, I always get my work done on time, and I also set aside a bit of time each day to do exercise, like going for a jog or something. So, um, yeah, I'd say I'm pretty organised in terms of my time. 我觉得我还行呢。我是说工作什么的都挺准时的。而且我每天会空出一点时间来锻炼,像是慢跑之类的。所以我的时间管理的还行呢。

  2、 put all my appointments and things onto it 把所有的日程放进去

  I mainly organise it by using the uh...what do you call it? the uh...calendar APP on my phone, cos I can put all my appointments and things onto it. And whenever I need to check something, I can just look at my phone. So I find it extremely helpful, and ever since I started using it, I've been a lot more organised. 我主要用日历这个APP来把所有日程放进去。当我要查看任何日程的时候就看一下我手机就行。我发现非常有用呢。自从我这么干了,我的生活变得有条理多了。

  3、 is no exception 也不例外

  Yeah, most certainly. You know, I think, for anything, planning is important, and time management is no exception, because if you don't plan your time, how can you manage it? So I think they kind of go hand-in-hand. 当然了,对任何事来说计划都是重要的。时间管理也不例外。因为如果你不规划你的时间,怎么去管理呢?所以我觉得它们是紧密相连的。

  4、 help sb. throughout one's life 让人收益一生

  If they learn how to manage their time at an early age, then it's gonna help them throughout their life. 如果在早期学习了如何管理时间,这能让他们受益一生。

  5、 make unrealistic plans 制定不切实际的计划

  I mean, off the top of my head, one possible reason could be that some people make unrealistic plans, which are very hard to follow through on. 想都不用想,我觉得一个原因是有些人喜欢制定不切实际的计划,这些很难贯穿下去。

  6、 for a long length of time 很长一段时间

  For example, someone might , let's say, plan to ...like...spend two hours a day at the gym, or practicing their English, and in reality, it might be quite difficult to do, especially for a long length of time. 比方说,有人想花两个小时去健身房锻炼,或者练习英语。但事实上这很难做到,尤其是坚持很长时间。

  7、 ingrained habits 根深蒂固的习惯

  I think these kinds of ingrained habits prevent many people from carrying out their plans.  我觉得这些根深蒂固的习惯会让人们没办法实施计划。



家庭教育 小学辅导 中考干货
高考干货 艺考专区 考研备考
雅思考试 托福考试 线上免费课



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  • 郑州新东方英语培训
  • 郑州新东方雅思培训