

2019-06-21 15:55



中考政策 中考真题 备考干货
中学指南 招生资讯 线上免费课
初一课程 初二课程 初三课程

  1. 大家都知道一份好心情有利于身体健康,也有利于学习。请你用英语写一篇文章告诉大家保持一份好心情。要点:1.积极参加体育锻炼和课外活动;2.保持健康的饮食习惯;3.与父母和老师多交流,与同学和睦相处。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节。以使行文连贯;3.文中不能出现真实的个人信息。

  How to keep in a good mood

  As we know,keeping in a good mood is good for our health and study.Here are some suggestions for you.

  First,you can take an active part in sports.For example,you can go swimming and skating.When the vocation is coming ,you can join in all kinds of activities,such as dancing,singing and the summer camp or winter camp.Next,you should keep healthy eating habits.Usually you can eat fruit and vegetables instead of too much meat .Third,when you have some problems,you can communicate with your parents and teachers.

  I hope these suggestions can help you.

  2. 幸福来至哪里?每个人都会有自己的答案。请以“Happiness comes from______”为题写一篇短文,讲述生活中你对幸福的理解以及你的感受。要求:1次数80词左右;2文中不能出现真实的姓名和校名。

  Happiness comes from helping others

  Nowadays,helpings each other has become an important topic in our life.I often help those who need help in my daily life.For example ,I often offer my seat to the old people on the bus.Helping my neighbor’s children with their homework is another thing.I often do.I’m also willing to be a volunteer.Sometimes Igo to the children’s hospital to take care of sick kids.

  When I help others,Iam always happy.Everyone needs help.Helping others is also helping ourselves.Try to enjoy the happiness from helping others.

  3青少年安全事件频发,自我保护(Self-protection)是青少年必备的一项重要技能。我们应该时刻关注自身安全。请以”How can we protect ourselves?”为题并根据下面的要点,谈谈青少年在生活中应该怎样保护自己。1谨慎交友;2遇险时报警或向老师求助;3遵守交通法规;4注意饮食;5上下楼梯不拥挤。要求;1.80次左右;2 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校姓名。

  Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers because we may get hurt in many ways.we should try our best to make sure we are safe.But how can we protect ourselves?Here are some of my suggestions.

  First, we shouldn’t accept things from strangers and we should be careful to make friends,especially online,Second,if we are in danger,we must call the police or ask teachers for help in time .So that we can keep ourselves safe.Also,we should watch out for the traffic lights.We need to eat healthily and safety.Last,we should no push each other when we  go upstairs or downstairs at school.

  All in all,we  need to learn how to protect ourselves and stay  away from danger.

  4学校计划进行优秀学生经验介绍会,作为学生代表之一的你,打算从以下方面进行阐述。请参照要点指示,集合自己的学习经历,给同学们提一些建议。1要点;1make a plan 2 do exercise,keep healthy 3 join clubs 4develop study skills 5 lower stress 6 learn from others2要求1 文中不得出现真实性名和学校名称;2词数80左右。

  First,we should make a review plan and study according to the plan .Second,pay attention to rest,the combination of work and rest,go to bed early and get up early,eat well and sleep well.When you have difficulties in your study,you should turn to your teachers and classmates for help in time.Finally,examine the questions carefully during the exam answer carefully.

  5 在网络快速发展的今天,手机支付已成为一种新型的支付方式。然而,很多青少年在有意五一的情况下,用父母的手机去刷游戏,买装备,甚至打赏主播,仅仅在几天或几个小时内就消耗父母一个月甚至半年的工资。针对这种情况,你有什么看法?轻你以李梅的身份给这些孩子写封信,给他们建议或忠告,让他们珍惜时间,珍惜父母的劳动,做积极向上的人。要求:1.观点明确,条理清晰。2 建议诚恳,切实可行;3 .80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计总词数。

  Dear kids,

  I’m sorry to hear that you spent a large sum of money on the Internet.It’s normal to make mistakes,but it’s more important to take responsibility and correct them.

  Since our parents love us most,we should do the same.Be honest and ask their permission when paying for something,especially when paying online.In addition,as teenagers,we should spend spend more time with our family or doing sports instead of being online.Doing housework is also of great help to build better relationship.Anyway,although Internet is useful in our daily life,we shouldn’t lose ourselves in it.Say sorry to your parents and talk with them more often and you will avoid the problems’

  Hope everything is OK soon.

  Yours ,

  Li  Mei

  6近年来我们国家越来越意识到环境的重要性,并采取了一系列措施来改进我们的生活,学习环境。你的粥喂有什么样的变化呢?请以“Our beautiful world”为题,写一篇英语短文问,描述你周围发生的变化,强调保护环境的意义,并提出一些保护环境的方法。


  I used to live in a world with pollution and litter around.Luckily, our government realizes the problem and tries to make some changes.

  Now, we have blue skies again and there is less pollution.Besides,more people choose to walk or ride bikes instead of driving cares.In addition,we plant more trees and even flowers.Our city is becoming more and more beautiful with blooming flowers and green grass.What’s more ,we don’t see rubbish around like before.

   It’s our own world and we had better keep it clean and tidy.Small things like stopping littering or buying less takeaway food can make a big difference.Let’s build a better world together.

  7假如你是刘强,你们学校对同学们长吃垃圾食品,忙于玩电子产品,沉迷于网络而粟裕锻炼的现状,举办了一场“How to live a healthy life”为主题的演讲比赛,提倡健康的学习/生活方式。请你根据身边的现象写一篇演讲稿,阐述你对健康的生活方式的理解,鼓励大家积极/健康的生活。词数80词左右。

  How to live a healthy life ?

  Hello,I am Liu Qiang .Today I am taking about how to live a healthy life.Nowadays,we eat too much junk food,sit for a long time in front of computers and seldom do exercise,which do great harm to our health.We should should take the problem seriously and do something for it.

   Firstly  , we should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of junk food.What’s more ,we shouldn’t sit for a long time without having a test.Most importantly,doing spots can not only help us make more friends but also make us stronger and healthier.

  Health is of great importance.We should do something before it’s too late.Thank you for your time.


中考政策 中考真题 备考干货
中学指南 招生资讯 线上免费课
初一课程 初二课程 初三课程



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