

2020-05-14 09:53



政策资讯 历年真题 备考干货
志愿填报 艺考专区 线上免费课
高一课程 高二课程 高三课程

   在表达观点时,你是不是还在用I think呢?在我的英语作文课上,我是禁止学生使用这个句型的,一来,显得有点OUT,二来,一不留神就出错,请看下面某位学生作文中的错句: 

  I think it’s not right to destroy the forest for the farming land.


  I think后面的否定是要前移的,在紧张的考试环境中,常常会疏忽这一点。到了高中阶段后,我们已经学了一大把表示观点的词组,为什么不用呢?

  In my opinion,…

  In my view, …

  From my point of view, …

  On my note, …

  Personally, …

  As far I am concerned, …

  As for me, …

  The way I see it, …

  According to me, …

  For my part, …






  1. 这里的风景非常漂亮。 

  2. 这个会议非常重要。

  漂亮,重要,你最先想到的英文单词是不是very beautiful和very important呢?如果是,那么你就中标了,你的写作词汇库需要马上更新!

  在这里,我要先介绍一个概念:高频词汇。在写作中,我们会频繁地使用一些单词,比如,good, important, because等。但是,这些单词都是初中学的,不够分量,我们需要用高中所学到的一些高级词汇来取代它们。



  〔简单〕Education is very important. 

  〔高级〕Education is of much/vital/great importance.

  〔简单〕The work he does is very important. 

  〔高级〕The work he does is absolutely vital.

  〔简单〕A balanced diet is very important for us. 

  〔高级〕A balanced diet is absolutely essential for everyone.

  〔简单〕Money is the only thing that’s important to him. 

  〔高级〕Money is the only thing that matters to him.

  〔简单〕First impressions are very important. 

  〔高级〕First impressions really do count.

  〔简单〕Parents are important in children’s learning 

  〔高级〕Parents play an important role/part in children’s learning.

  〔简单〕Children’s education is very important for Chinese parents. 

  〔高级〕Chinese parents attach much importance to children’s education.

  〔简单〕It’s very important for parents to be honest with their children. 

  〔高级〕It’s very vital/essential for parents to be honest with their children.


  〔简单〕He is a good football player. 

  〔高级〕He is an amazing football player.

  〔简单〕This is a very good place. 

  〔高级〕This is a fantastic place, really beautiful.

  〔简单〕The view from my bedroom window was very good. 

  〔高级〕The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtaking

  〔简单〕This is a very good opportunity to learn about American culture. 

  〔高级〕This is a unique opportunity to learn about American culture.

  〔简单〕The school's examination results were very good. 

  〔高级〕The school's examination results were very impressive.

  〔简单〕The food was very good and we had a wonderful night. 

  〔高级〕The food was superb/awesome and we had a wonderful night.

  〔简单〕The staff are doing a good job. 

  〔高级〕The staff are doing a splendid job.

  〔简单〕I can't stand him, but my wife thinks he’s very good. 

  〔高级〕I can't stand him, but my wife thinks he’s marvelous.

  〔简单〕You look very good in that dress. 

  〔高级〕You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress!


  〔简单〕His actions could make him lose his job. 

  〔高级〕His actions could lead to him losing his job.

  〔简单〕The accident caused two passengers to die. 

  〔高级〕The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.

  〔简单〕There are several reasons for the strange phenomenon. 

  〔高级〕Several reasons may account for the strange phenomenon.

  〔简单〕The floods caused the deaths of over a hundred people. 

  〔高级〕The floods were responsible for the deaths of over a hundred people.

  〔简单〕Daily shaving can cause a number of skin problems. 

  〔高级〕Daily shaving can give rise to a number of skin problems.

  〔简单〕We are still dealing with problems caused by your mistake. 

  〔高级〕We are still dealing with problems resulting from your mistake.

  第4组:代替because of的高级词汇

  〔简单〕We've reached our goal because of your great help. 

  〔高级〕We've reached our goal, thanks to your great help.

  〔简单〕Because the money isn’t enough, the project will not continue next year. 

  〔高级〕Owing to a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.

  〔简单〕Because of the pilots' strike, all flights have had to be cancelled. 

  〔高级〕As a result of the pilots' strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.

  〔简单〕The fishes in the river have died because of water pollution. 

  〔高级〕The fishes in the river have died as a consequence of water pollution.

  〔简单〕The restaurant's success was mainly because of its new manager. 

  〔高级〕The restaurant's success was due largely to its new manager.


  〔简单〕Self-confidence is very important to our success. 

  〔高级〕Self-confidence is absolutely vital to our success.

  〔简单〕Earthquakes are very difficult to predict. 

  〔高级〕Earthquakes are  extremely difficult to predict.    

  〔简单〕His mother is a very successful politician 

  〔高级〕His mother is a  highly successful politician    

  〔简单〕His attitude very important to its success .  

  〔高级〕 Its success will depend to a large extent on his attitude.    

  〔简单〕She looks very beautiful tonight.  

  〔高级〕She looks  extraordinarily beautiful tonight.    

  〔简单〕Conditions have improved a lot over the past few years

  〔高级〕Conditions have improved  considerably over the past few years.    

  〔简单〕Raising money for the homeless has been very difficult. 

  〔高级〕Raising money for the homeless has  been incredibly difficult.    


  〔简单〕The visit to European universities will be good for us. 

  〔高级〕We will  benefit greatly from the visit to European universities.    

  〔简单〕We should worker together to help the whole community. 

  〔高级〕We should worker together to  benefit the whole community.    

  〔简单〕A bit more exercise would be good for you. 

  〔高级〕A bit more exercise would  do you good.    

  〔简单〕It's useless to tell him - he won't listen. 

  〔高级〕 It's no good telling him - he won't listen.   

   〔简单〕The summer course can make students’ oral English become better.  

  〔高级〕The summer course can  improve students’ oral English.  


  〔简单〕Modern farming is very bad for the countryside.  

  〔高级〕Modern farming have  done much harm to the countryside.

  〔简单〕These chemicals is very bad for the environment.  

  〔高级〕These chemicals have caused serious damage  to the environment.    

  〔简单〕Smoking can be very bad for your health. 

  〔高级〕Smoking can  severely damage your health.    

  〔简单〕The fire was very bad for the school.  

  〔高级〕The school  was completely destroyed in the fire.    

  〔简单〕Alcohol and drugs were very bad for his career. 

  〔高级〕Alcohol and drugs almost  ruined his career.   

   〔简单〕I want you to have fun.  

  〔高级〕I don't want to  spoil your fun.    


  〔简单〕My new job will be a big challenge.  

  〔高级〕My new job will be a  tremendous challenge.    

  〔简单〕More and more Americans are curious about Chinese culture.  

  〔高级〕An increasing number of Americans are curious about Chinese culture.    

  〔简单〕The shortage of teachers is a big problem. 

  〔高级〕The shortage of teachers  poses a major problem

  〔简单〕We have made some small changes to the program. 

  〔高级〕We have  made some minor changes to the program.   

   〔简单〕Most of the students are short-sighted.  

  〔高级〕 The majority of the students are short-sighted.    

  〔简单〕The policy benefits only a small group of people in the country. 

  〔高级〕The policy benefits only  a small minority of the country's population.


  severe 替换掉 serious(严重的)

  needy 替换掉 poor(贫穷的)

  wealthy 替换掉 rich (富裕的)

  beneficial 替换掉 good (有益的)

  undesirable 替换掉 bad (不好的,不受欢迎的)

  nevertheless 替换掉 however(然而,不过)

  fundamental / significant 替换掉 important(重要的)

  relevant 替换掉 related (有关的)

  extraordinary 替换掉 surprising (惊人的,非凡的)

  provided/providing(that)替换掉 if (如果.....)

  promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve (提高,加强)

  cope with 替换掉 solve(解决)

  motivate 替换掉 encourage(激励)

  jeopardize 替换掉 be bad to (损害,危及)

  ease 替换掉 relieve (减轻,缓解)

  well-being 替换掉 happiness (幸福,安康)

  pros and cons 替换掉 advantages and disadvantages(好处和坏处)

  approach / method 替换掉 way(方法,方案)

  adopt 替换掉 use (采用,采取)

  the aged 替换掉 old people(老人)

  adolescents 替换掉 the young (青少年)

  employment 替换掉 job(就业)

  affair 替换掉 thing (事情,东西)

  bent 替换掉 gift (天赋,爱好)

  catastrophe 替换掉( disaster 灾难)

  subscribe to 替换掉 agree with( 同意)

  tend 替换掉 want(趋向于..想要.....)

  acquire 替换掉 gain (获得(尤指知识上的))

  administration 替换掉 government (政府部门)

  contribute to 替换掉 cause (引起)

  extremely 替换掉 very (非常的)

  frown on sth 替换掉 disagree with sth (不同意)

  for instance 替换掉 for example (例如)

政策资讯 历年真题 备考干货
志愿填报 艺考专区 线上免费课
高一课程 高二课程 高三课程



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