
雅思写作| Crime

2020-08-26 09:45



  be sentenced to life in prison 被判终身监禁

  In 2006 a 26-year-old California man named Uriah Courtney was sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping and rape, despite having an alibi for the time the crimes were committed.在2006年,26岁的加州男子尤赖亚·考特尼因绑架强奸被判终身监禁,尽管当时他有不在场证明。

  look into the case 调查了这个案件

  He says years later, the California Innocence Project looked into the case.多年后,加州洗冤计划调查了这个案件。

  be set free 被释放

  After eight years behind bars, Courtney was set free. But his case is not unique.


  be exonerated 被判无罪

  There are now hundreds of cases in which individuals have been exonerated based on this post-conviction DNA analysis.基于定罪后的DNA分析,现在有数百起案件中,嫌疑人都被判无罪。

  pick them out of a lineup 从一群人中指认了他们

  Most of these innocent people were sent to prison because witnesses misidentified them. "Somebody picked them out of a lineup, and that information was taken seriously by the police. And the jury believed it."这些无辜的人被送进了监狱,因为目击者认错了。"目击者从一群人中指认了他们,警方就当真了,陪审团就相信了。"

  is notoriously flawed 有缺陷的

  Why do witnesses sometimes get it so wrong? Albright explains that our memory for visual events is notoriously flawed.为什么证人有时会搞错?奥尔布莱特解释说,众所周知,我们对视觉事件的记忆是有缺陷的。

  see it with their own eyes 亲眼所见

  If somebody tells us that they saw something, we figure, well, it must be true. They saw it with their own eyes.如果有人告诉我们他们看到了什么,我们认为,嗯,这肯定是真的,毕竟他们亲眼所见。

  innocent people无辜者

  suspect 嫌疑人

  Lineups typically show witnesses photos of six faces-five of innocent people and one of the suspect.目击者通常在给出的六张人脸照片指认,五张是无辜者的照片,还有一张是嫌疑人的。

  eyewitness 目击者

  The eyewitness is simply asked to identify any person that they remember from the crime scene.同时目击者只可指认他们在犯罪现场记得的任何人。

  result in errors 出错

  But only having them pick their top choice doesn't account for how well the witness remembers that face. This issue can result in errors.但是只让他们选出首选之人并不能说明目击者对那张脸记得多清楚。这可能会出错。

  reduce wrongful convictions 减少错判

  The researchers think their approach to lineups has the potential to reduce wrongful convictions, resulting in more justice for all.研究人员认为,排列的方法可能减少错判,从而让所有人得到更公平的对待。

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