
雅思口语| Trust信任

2020-08-25 14:37



  has led to an increase in misinformation 使网络上的虚假信息增多

  As well as bringing the world to a halt, the coronavirus epidemic has led to an increase in misinformation, lies and conspiracy theories on the internet.新型冠状病毒大流行不仅使世界陷入瘫痪状态,还使网络上的虚假信息、谎言和阴谋论增多。

  in an era /ˈɪərə/of fake news 在这个被假新闻充斥的时代

  is accused of spreading misinformation 被指控传播虚假信息

  In an era of fake news, where even a president of the United States is accused of spreading misinformation,could it be that we are living through a crisis in trust?在这个被假新闻充斥的时代,就连美国总统都被指控传播虚假信息,我们能够互相信任,度过这次难关吗?

  place one's trust in sb. 相信某人

  What is trust? And who should we place our trust in? -信任是什么?我们又能选择相信谁呢?

  lack trustworthiness 缺乏可信赖性

  Of course telling lies and lacking trustworthiness is nothing new - just think of the Trojan Horse used to trick the ancient Greeks.当然,说谎和不被信赖并不是什么新鲜事,只要想想曾经特洛伊木马欺骗古希腊人的故事就可以了。

  be sentenced to 150 years in prison 被判150年徒刑

  defraud from investors诈骗投资者

  In 2009 he was sentenced to 150 years in prison for his part in the Ponzi scam, but how much did he defraud from investors?在2009年的时候,他因涉嫌庞氏骗局而被判150年徒刑,不过,麦道夫诈骗了投资者多少钱?

  makes life easier, quicker and friendlier生活就会更加容易、快捷、友好

  When we trust each other it makes life easier, quicker and friendlier.在我们互相信任的时候,生活就会更加容易、快捷、友好。

  Society can't function without trust.没有信任,社会就没有办法运行。

  trust to luck侥幸心理

  place trust indiscriminately /ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnətli/ 随便选择信任

  If you simply place trust indiscriminately without making a judgement about whether the other person or institution is trustworthy then just trusting to luck as we say, is probably not a virtue.如果你在没有判断出其他人或者机构是否值得信赖的情况下,就随便选择信任的话,也就是我们所说的侥幸心理,或许不是一种美德。

  is trustworthy 值得信赖

  If you don't judge who is trustworthy and who is not, you are trusting to luck -simply believing or hoping that things will happen for the best.


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