
雅思口语 | Part3主题:Health健康

2020-08-13 15:34



  have been infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19感染了导致新冠肺炎的冠状病毒

  The Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 tracker estimates that over 16 million people worldwide have been infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.约翰·霍普金斯大学新冠跟踪系统估计,全球已有超过1600万人感染了导致新冠肺炎的冠状病毒。

  have died from the disease 死于这种疾病

  It also estimates that nearly 650,000 people have died from the disease, but millions have recovered.该组织还估计,将近65万人死于这种疾病,但数百万人已经康复。

  the most-searched questions搜索最多的问题之一

  So, a question many people around the world are asking is – can you get it again?In fact, that was among the most-searched questions on Google's website for many weeks in May and June.所以,世界各地的许多人都在问一个问题——治愈后还会感染吗?事实上,在5月和6月的这段时间,这是搜索网站上搜索最多的问题之一。

  catch COVID-19 感染新冠病毒

  is connected to your body's immune system 与你身体的免疫系统有关

  Whether or not you can catch COVID-19 again after getting infected once is connected to your body's immune system.一旦感染新冠病毒,你是否会再次感染,这与你身体的免疫系统有关。

  strengthen the body's natural defenses 增强了人体的自然防御能力

  Does infection strengthen the body's natural defenses as it does with other pathogens? And if there is an immunity, how long does it last?感染是否像其他病原体一样增强了人体的自然防御能力?如果有免疫力,会持续多久?

  check your blood for antibodies 检查血液中的抗体

  Antibody tests check your blood for antibodies.抗体测试检查血液中的抗体。

  fight off infections 抵抗感染

  Antibodies are proteins that fight off infections. They can protect you from getting that disease again. In other words, they give you immunity.


  test positive for the virus 检测呈阳性

  Several patients there were said to have recovered from COVID-19 but then later tested positive for the virus.


  relapse 复发

  Experts told Reuters that there were three main possibilities: re-infection, a relapse or inconsistent testing.


   feel sick 感到不适

  A relapse means the virus never really left the patient. Patients think they are better but are not and soon feel sick again.


  create antibodies to protect it from future infection 产生抗体来保护自己免受之后的感染

  The worst possibility would be re-infection. This would mean the immune system did not create antibodies to protect it from future infection.最坏的可能是再次感染。这意味着免疫系统不会产生抗体来保护自己免受之后的感染。

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