
雅思口语| Drawing 画画

2020-08-11 09:38



  draw random patterns and designs 乱涂乱画图案和花纹

  Do you sometimes find yourself drawing random patterns and designs during meetings and lectures?有时你会发现自己在参加会议和讲座时乱涂乱画图案和花纹吗?

  doodle /ˈduːdl/ V-I乱涂,胡写乱画

  Doodling might actually be beneficial.乱涂乱画也许实际上是有益的。

  ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ 无所不在的 ( formal ) ( humorous) 

  Doodling seems to be ubiquitous.乱涂乱画似乎无处不在。

  absentminded 心不在焉的

  In the past it was seen as a mindless activity and a product of the absentminded.过去它被看作是盲目的活动,是心不在焉的人的产物。

  assist memory retention and concentration 有助于记忆的保持和注意力的集中

  Random drawings may assist memory retention and concentration.随手乱画也许有助于记忆的保持和注意力的集中。

  attentional sweet spot 注意力的最佳状态

  He believes that doodling is the ‘attentional sweet spot’.他认为乱涂乱画是注意力的最佳状态。

  haphazardly draw pictures 随意涂画

  So, the next time you see someone haphazardly drawing pictures during a meeting, it might be a sign that they are listening more than you think.


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