
雅思口语| Part2考题: 家人向你求助

2020-08-06 15:07



  1 get a glimpse of 瞥见

  When I was doing my assignment, I suddenly heard some noise,so I looked around. Then I got a glimpse of my mum whoes eyes peering through my door, which opened the tiniest crack.  当我在做作业时,突然听到声音。然后我就四处看看,发现我的门开了一条小缝,而且妈妈正在往里看我。

  2 A smile curled the corners of her mouth. 她古怪地笑了笑。

  3 lean towards sb. 凑近某人

  She leaned towards me and asked me to do her a favour. 她凑近我,让我帮她一个忙。

  4 one's head is swimming 晕头转向

  She said her head was swimming because she didn't know how to handle the new camera.  她说自己因为不会倒腾新相机,晕头转向的。

  5 teach sb. step by step 一步步教某人

  I beamed at her, and taught her step by step, like what she should focus on, how to be well-composed, when she should press the shutter or stuff like that.我对她笑了笑,开始一步步教她, 怎么聚焦,怎么构图,什么时候按下快门之类的。

  6 She looked at me and her eyes were twinkling.她看着我,眼睛闪闪发光。

  7 one's face shining with excitement 兴奋得脸上放光

  She tried what I had taught her and had a go, her face shining with excitement. 她按照我教她的试了试,兴奋得脸上放光。

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