
雅思口语| Part3高频主题:Environment环境

2020-07-29 14:44



  be filled with trash 全是垃圾

  Together with her dad she cleans the water from the plastic trash. I'm afraid that after Covid the sea will be filled with trash.她和爸爸一起清理水中的塑料垃圾。我担心疫情过后,海里会全是垃圾。

  environmentalist 环保人士

  disposable packages 一次性包装

  Local environmentalists say the plastic trash levels rose by 50 percent in April. 80 percent of that trash are plastic food containers, water bottles and cups and disposable packages.当地环保人士说,塑料垃圾在4月份多了50%。80%的垃圾是塑料食品容器、水瓶、杯子和一次性包装。

  the pandemic hit the U.S. in mid-March 在3月中旬疫情席卷美国

  When the pandemic hit the U.S. in mid-March, the number of online purchases rose by 240 percent.在3月中旬疫情席卷美国时,网上购物数量增长了240%。

  are being sent to homes across the country daily 被送到全国各地的家庭

  Millions of plastic bags wraps aerosols gloves and face masks, we're being sent to homes across the country daily.数以百万计的塑料袋包裹着气溶胶手套和口罩都被送到全国各地的家庭。

  waste water pumping station 废水抽水站

  As a result, the amount of plastic trash filled the cities. Just in March and April of 2020 in the heart of this pandemic, at just one waste water pumping station, we've seen an increase of 17 tons of wipes compared to March and April of last year, when we were not in a pandemic.所以,城市里充斥着大量的塑料垃圾。就在2020年3月-4月疫情期间,仅在一个废水抽水站,我们就发现与去年三四月相比,抹布增加了17吨,当时还没有疫情。

  Plastic bag use increased dramatically.塑料袋的使用急剧增加。

  delay implementation of bans on plastic bags推迟实施塑料袋禁令

  reusable bags 可重复使用的袋子

  Plastic bag use increased dramatically as well. Some states delayed implementation of bans on plastic bags due to the pandemic,and some grocery stores stopped allowing the use of reusable bags to avoid spread of the virus.塑料袋的使用也急剧增加。一些州由于疫情推迟实施塑料袋禁令,一些杂货店也不再允许使用可重复使用的袋子来避免病毒的传播。

  moves 举措

  Some environmentalists say the moves aren't helping. There was a study that came out of John Hopkins, that says actually all the materials could last Covid-19 as long as on plastic. And so it's actually contradictory to what they were even citing.一些环保人士说,这些举措没用。约翰·霍普金斯做了一项研究,也就是说,其实所有材料的留存新冠病毒的时间和塑料材料一样长。所以这和他们所说的不一样。


  Recycling companies are also struggling due to the drop in oil prices. The recycler has costs of collecting waste and processing it, and then it sells that recycled material and that is being that price is set according to the price of oil.由于油价下跌,回收公司也在苦苦挣扎。回收商有收集废物和处理废物的成本,然后出售那些回收材料,其价格是根据石油的价格来确定的。

  ends up in the ocean 最终流入海洋

  So when oil goes down, many recyclers can't be competitive. Environmentalists say every year about 8 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean.


  only a fraction of that can be recycled 只有一小部分可以回收利用

  Specialists say plastic production can increase by 40% in the next 10 years already, and since only a fraction of that can be recycled, the scenario looks pretty grim.


  be a congressional priority 是国会的首要任务

  According to the Pew Research Center, more than 64 percent of Americans say protecting the environment should be a congressional priority.


  push environmental and pollution issues off the agenda 可能会耽误环境和污染问题

  But experts worry the pandemic and its economic impact may push environmental and pollution issues off the agenda. 但专家担心,疫情以及疫情对经济的影响可能会耽误环境和污染问题。

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