
雅思写作| 图表题上升下降的描述词汇

2020-07-28 19:00



     see an upward trend 呈上升趋势

  The housing market saw an upward trend in 2003. 房地产市场在2003年呈现出了上升的趋势。

  witness/experience a downward trend 呈下降趋势

  The prices of consumer goods witnessed a downward trend. 消费品的价格呈现出下降的趋势。

  The generics market has always been the bread and butter of the Indian pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. However, since 2003 the global generics market has beenexperiencing a downward trend. 仿制药市场一直是的印度制药工业的天下,然而,自2003年全球仿制药市场已经正在呈现下降的趋势。

  see an oppositetrend 呈现出相反的趋势

  In contrast, the cost of furniture and equipment saw an opposite trend. 相比之下,家具和设备的费用则呈现出相反的趋势。

  rocket to 急速上升

  When other poor eating habits such as having no breakfast and lunch or having no breakfast and snacks, are included, lost productivity rocketed to nearly 17 billion pounds.如果将其它一些不良的饮食习惯也算上,如不吃早餐和午餐或不吃早餐吃零食,公司所遭受的损则高达近170亿英镑。

  Though the percentage of female smokers increased by only 1% in 1990, it rocketed to28% in 2000. 虽然进入到1990年女性烟民的百分比增幅仅有1%,但2000年却又急速上升到28%。

  The total has rocketed from 376 to 532. 总数从376猛增到532。

  soar to急速上升

  Inflation soared to 22.5% last year, almost double the government's target. 去年,通货膨胀高达22.5%,几乎两倍于政府的目标。

  The President was distracted by "peripheral" issues, and had allowed inflation to soar to18%, he said. 总统总是醉心于无关紧要的事情上,并且坐视经济膨胀高涨到18%。

  While the market for this software sits at roughly $1 billion today, it is estimated it will soar to$5 billion by 2011. 虽然现在此软件在市场的份额仅为10亿美元左右,但估计到2011年,它将激增到50亿美元

  The CEA forecasts that health spending, which will account for perhaps 18% of America's GDP this year, will soar to over one third of output by 2040.CEA预测,今年占美国国内生产总值18%的医疗开支,在2040年将膨胀至总产值的三分之一。

  Revenue from iPhone and iPod touch games, however, are expected to soar to more than $2.8 billion in 2014, compared with a mere $46 million in 2008. 而来自iPhone和iPod touch游戏的收入,预计到2014年将达到28亿美元,较2008年的区区4600万美元大幅上升。

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