
雅思口语| '吃瓜'用英语怎么说呢?

2020-07-28 18:09



  spill the tea <非正式>爆别人的猛料,吃别人的瓜

  I shouldn’t spill the tea, but have you heard that Lucy and Ben are dating?我不应该说这个的,但是你听说Lucy和Ben在约会吗?

  cabin fever 幽居病

  I have a serious case of cabin fever because of covid-19. I need to get out of my house!因为新冠肺炎,我得了严重的幽居病,我需要出去透透气!

  is stuck inside for a long period of time 被关了很久

  Cabin fever is a condition. It happens when someone is stuck inside for a long period of time.If someone is unable to get outside into fresh air or be around other human beings, they may start to feel closed in, stuck, trapped.When people are forced to stay in a remote or confined place, they may feel unhappy, restless and bored.幽居病是一种状态。产生在一些被关了很久的人身上。如果人们没办法外出呼吸新鲜空气,见见不同的人,他们会感受到无比的封闭感。而当人们被强制呆在偏僻、封闭的地方,他们会产生不快、不安和无聊之感。

  lightning speed 闪电般的速度

  An Italian restaurant can drop off a nice, warm pizza at your front door at lightning speed.意大利餐厅能以闪电般的速度将美味、温暖的披萨送到你家门口。

  And unconfirmed stories often spread online at lightning speed.


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