
雅思口语| Part3: Poverty贫穷 高分语料

2020-07-28 18:09



  lives on the streets after falling on hard times 历经艰难,流落街头

  But these days he lives on the streets after falling on hard times. The torn it takes on a body, physically, psychologically and emotionally,you know, having to get back and forth just to get breakfast, lunch, dinner, clothing, shelter. 但这些天,他历经艰难,流落街头。他的躯体、心理和情感都受着折磨。为了早午晚三餐、为了衣服和避难所,他不得不来回奔波。

  be at special risk 面临特殊的风险

  Erickson is one of nearly 600,000 homeless people in the United States based on the most recent official count. In a pandemic they are at special risk.


  be feeling symptomatic /ˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk/觉得自己出现了症状

  isolation and quarantine site 隔离检疫处

  If folks say that they're feeling symptomatic, we'll take them out of the population of the shelters and we'll bring them to one of our isolation and quarantine sites.如果人们说觉得自己出现了症状,我们会把人带到隔离检疫处。

  find the close contacts for that person 去找此人的密切接触者

  And we'll test them there. If that comes back positive, then we'll go back and we'll find the close contacts for that person and also ask them to come into our isolation and quarantine as well.在那里对他们进行检测。如果呈阳性,我们会回去找此人的密切接触者,让他们也来隔离检疫处。

  stop shelters from becoming a breeding ground 阻止避难所成为病毒的滋生地

  Around the country, officials had to stop shelters from becoming a breeding ground.全国各地的政府工作者必须阻止避难所成为病毒的滋生地。

  spread inside shelters 在避难所蔓延

  About a couple weeks into the pandemic, people quickly realized that it was spreading inside shelters very very very fast.疫情爆发几周后,人们很快意识到病毒在避难所迅速蔓延。

  have adopted strict social distancing 采取了严格的社会距离

  COVID-19 has made it harder for those like Michael Williams who's looking for work. The centers have adopted strict social distancing.


  It takes extra long to get services 获得服务耗时更长

  It takes extra long to get services you need because they only allow one person at a time. Without these spaces, it's kind of hard. I'm not able to apply for jobs.获得服务耗时更长,因为每次只允许一个人进。没有这些空间,有点难。我申请不到工作。

  homeless population 流浪人口

  I can't get any income. And this is crazy. US unemployment is that a staggering 14 percent. A Columbia University study projects the homeless population may grow 40 to 45 percent this year.我没收入。我快疯了。美国失业率高达14%,真是惊人。哥伦比亚大学的一项研究预测,今年流浪人口可能会增长40%到45%。

  unemployment continues to stretch for a long period of time 失业情况持续发展

  I expect that if unemployment continues to stretch for a long period of time, that we will start to see decreases in rent payments. And we will start to see eviction.我预计,如果失业情况持续发展,租金会下降,驱逐也会开始。

  those at risk of losing housing 有可能失去住房的人

  The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced almost three billion dollars in aid for homeless Americans and those at risk of losing housing.美国住房和城市发展部宣布,将向无家可归的美国人和有可能失去住房的人提供近30亿美元的援助。

   that's just temporary 只是暂缓之策

  But that's just temporary. In the capital housing is really expensive.


  address how to have steady employment 解决如何稳定就业

  And so until we start addressing how to have steady employment that pays closer to the cost of housing, we‘re gonna keep seeing this crisis of homelessness.


  the distribution of those moneys 财富分配

  It's just the distribution of those moneys. The wealthiers are getting wealthier and they're ignoring poor. 只是因为财富分配不均,富人越来越富有,穷人都被忽视了。

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