
雅思口语| Part1高频考题:Newspaper报纸

2020-07-28 18:09



  media with global reach 有全球性影响力的媒体

  In previous decades, most media with global reach consisted of several major newspapers and networks which had the resources to gather information directly.几十年前掌握全球性影响力的媒体是几家主流的报纸商和广播公司它们有直接获得第一手资料的渠道

  circular reporting 循环报导

  The speed with which information spreads now has created the ideal conditions for a phenomenon known as circular reporting.当今资讯传播的速度之快大大促成了「循环报导」这种现象的发生

  publish misinformation 报导一个错误消息

  This is when publication A publishes misinformation, publication B reprints it, and publication A then cites B as the source for the information. 举例来说A出版商报导了一个错误消息B出版商重抄了这则报导然后A又引用B作为消息的来源

  report on the same initial piece of false information 引述报导一篇有误的资讯

  It's also considered a form of circular reporting when multiple publications report on the same initial piece of false information, which then appears to another author as having been verified by multiple sources.另一种循环报导则是多家出版商都引述报导一篇有误的资讯让后来其他写作者以为此篇文章被许多其他的出版物引用


  For instance, the 1998 publication of a single pseudoscientific paper arguing that routine vaccination of children causes autism inspired an entire antivaccination movement, despite the fact that the original paper has repeatedly been discredited by the scientific community.


  contract/kənˈtrækt/ contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/ diseases 染上了传染病

  Deliberately unvaccinated children are now contracting contagious diseases that had been virtually eradicated in the United States, with some infections proving fatal.反疫苗声浪导致许多孩童未受接种疫苗甚至因此染上了早在美国绝迹的传染病其中不乏会致死的严重病疫

  resemble real ones 以假乱真

  In a slightly less dire example, satirical articles that are formatted to resemble real ones can also be picked up by outlets not in on the joke.


  overpower the desire to be certain of their validity 忽视了真相的重要性

  Recent advances in communication technology have had immeasurable benefits in breaking down the barriers between information and people, but our desire for quick answers may overpower the desire to be certain of their validity. 当今通讯科技的进步大大帮助了人們打破资讯与人之间的鸿沟我们一心想快速得到答案却往往忽视了真相的重要性

  be multiplied by billions of people一传十、十传百

  And when this bias can be multiplied by billions of people around the world, nearly instantaneously /ˌɪnstənˈteɪniəsli/ ,more caution is in order.当偏见可以一传十、十传百 眨眼间影响全世界无数人的时候我们就该更谨慎评估资讯了

  sensationalist/senˈseɪʃənəlɪst/ media 夸大其辞的媒体

  We should avoid sensationalist media,and search for criticisms of suspicious information.不要轻信喜欢夸大其辞的媒体多看看别人对启人疑窦之资讯的评论

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