
雅思口语| Maths数学

2020-07-20 14:22



  solve math problems 算出数学题

  When French mathematician Laurent Schwartzwas in high school,he started to worry that he wasn't smart enough to solve math problems.


  take a math test 进行数学考试

  feel your heart beat faster and your palms start to sweat 感觉到自己心跳加速手心出汗

  You sit down to take a math test, and you feel your heart beat faster and your palms start to sweat.当你坐下来开始进行数学考试会感觉到自己心跳加速手心出汗

  get butterflies in your stomach 胃里翻江倒海;紧张

  You get butterflies in your stomach,and you can't concentrate.胃里翻江倒海难以集中注意力

  math anxiety 数学焦虑症

  This phenomenon is called math anxiety,and if it happens to you,you're not alone.这种现象叫做数学焦虑症如果你也遇到过这种情况你并不是例外

  not even close 二者甚至毫无关联

  But having mathematical anxiety doesn't necessarily mean you're bad at math -not even close.但是有数学焦虑症并不意味着你不擅长数学二者甚至毫无关联

  the highest award in mathematics 数学领域的最高奖项

  Laurent Schwartz went on to winthe Fields Medal,the highest award in mathematics.洛朗·施瓦茨后来获得了菲尔茨奖这是数学领域的最高奖项

  be anxious about math 对数学产生焦虑

  the other way around 恰好相反

  People might think that they're anxious about math because they're bad at it, but it's often the other way around.可能人们认为产生焦虑的原因是他们不擅长数学但事实上二者的关系恰好相反

  do poorly in math 数学方面表现不佳

  They're doing poorly in math because they're anxious about it.


  eats up working memory 消耗工作记忆

  Worrying about being able to solve math problems,or not doing well on a test,eats up working memory,leaving less of it available to tackle the math itself.担心能否解出数学题或能否很好地完成考试都会消耗工作记忆而此时用于解答数学题的工作记忆就会变少

  suddenly struggle with even basic math skills 突然丧失最基本的解题技能

  People can suddenly struggle with even basic math skills,like arithmetic, that they've otherwise mastered.人们可能会突然丧失最基本的解题技能 例如他们已经非常擅长的算术

  dials up stress even more 加大学生的精神压力

  Pressure to solve problems quickly dials up stress even more.催促学生解题则会加大学生的精神压力。

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