雅思口语| Art艺术
2020-07-14 11:48
enhance our perception /pəˈsepʃn/增强我们的洞察力
Art doesn't matter in the real world, but the study of art can enhance our perception and our ability to translate to others what we see.艺术在现实世界中并不重要但事实上,学习艺术会增强我们的洞察力以向他人描述我们所看到事物的能力
improve their visual acuity /əˈkjuːəti/ 改善他们的视觉敏锐度
Doctors, nurses, and law enforcement agents can use painting, sculpture, and photography as tools to improve their visual acuity and communication skills, which are critical during investigations and emergencies.医生,护士,和执法人员可以使用绘画,雕塑,和摄影作为工具 改善他们的视觉敏锐度以及沟通技巧。这些技巧在调查和紧急情况下至关重要。
leaves me cold 引不起我的兴趣
Most modern art leaves me cold. 大多数的现代艺术引不起我的兴趣。
a very theatrical /θiˈætrɪkl/art 非常讲究舞台感的一种艺术
Dance is a very theatrical art. 舞蹈是非常讲究舞台感的一种艺术。