
雅思口语| Part3主题:environment环境

2020-07-13 10:59



  heat our homes 用来保持我们的房间的温暖

  It takes a lot of fuel to heat our homes, preserve our food,and our power our gadgets around the clock. And for 40% of the world, that fuel is cheap, plentiful, and it's called coal.大量的燃料被用来保持我们的房间的温暖、保持食物的新鲜、及不间断地为我们的电子产品充电。世界上40%的燃料是廉价,丰富的被称为煤炭的东西。

  release pollutants into the air 向空气中排放污染物

  But coal also releases pollutants into the air, like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot,and toxic metals, like mercury.但煤炭也会向空气中排放污染物,比如二氧化硫、一氧化氮、煤灰、及例如汞的有毒金屬

  cause environmental damage 造成环境破坏

  These cause environmental damage,like acid rain,and serious health problems.这些造成环境破坏,如酸雨,也造成的严重的健康问题。

  heavy smog 严重的雾霾

  die from ill health 死于健康问题

  In fact, in 1952, coal burning caused such heavy smog in London that pedestrians couldn't even see their feet, and thousands of people died from ill health.事实上,在1952年,煤炭的燃烧在伦敦造成了严重的雾霾,行人甚至看不到他们的脚,成千上万的人死于健康问题。

  remove most of these pollutants before they reach the air 使得污染物在进入空气前就被去除掉了

  Since then, many countries have deployed technology to remove most of these pollutants before they reach the air.


  the main culprit主要元凶

  It's global climate change, and again, the main culprit is coal.这是全球气候变化,而其主要元凶又是煤炭。

  It's responsible for... 它造成了

  It's responsible for 44%of global carbon dioxide emissions, which trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere, instead of letting it escape.它造成了全球44%的二氧化碳排放,把太阳的热量捕获到地球大气中,而不是让它排放出去。

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