
雅思口语| Cry哭泣 高分语料

2020-07-09 10:18



  burst out crying 突然哭了起来

  I was watching a really dramatic film and in one scene, the heroine gets separated from her children. I just burst out crying.我当时在看一部很有剧情的电影,其中一个镜头,女主角和她的孩子被分开了。我就突然哭了起来。

  stereotypical /ˌsteriəˈtɪpɪkl/ 老一套的

  Men don't cry. Come on!That's a bit stereotypical, isn't it?  男人不会哭泣。得了吧!那是老一套观点,不是吗?

  cry to show joy喜极而泣

  People often think crying is only about painful feelings but we also cry to show joy and when we are moved by something beautiful like music or a painting.人们经常认为,哭泣只和悲痛有关,但是,我们也会喜极而泣,也会在被美好的东西感动时哭泣,如音乐和绘画。

  are just more in touch with their feelings 更容易被触动

  So, maybe women are just more in touch with their feelings and that's why they cry more.可能只是因为女性更容易被触动,所以她们哭的次数多一点。

  cry regularly 经常哭泣

  If you've got somebody who seems to cry regularly, I think that's not helpful for the individual because then if they cry over something that really is important to them, they might not be taken so seriously - or they get a label. 如果你看到某个人经常哭泣,我觉得,哭泣对那个人没有好处,因为如果他们为了某个真的很重要的东西哭泣,他们可能会得不到重视,或者会被贴上标签。

  a build-up of frustration 累积的失望

  undealt-with situations 得不到解决的一些状况

  But I do think crying is often a build-up of frustration and undealt-with situations and it's a bit of a final straw moment.不过,我真的觉得,哭泣往往是由于累积的失望和得不到解决的一些状况,有点像压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。

  build up your resentments 内心的怨恨越来越多

  You build up your resentments, your lack of boundaries, not being able to say 'no' and then somebody says, 'Can you go and make a cup of tea?' and you suddenly find yourself weeping."你内心的怨恨越来越多,就会失去界限,说不出"不",然后有人说,你能去帮我沏一杯茶吗?",你会突然开始啜泣。

  a backlog of situations 很多事情累积的结果

  And everybody says, 'What's wrong with her?' but actually that's often a backlog of situations.这时每个人都说:"她怎么了?",然而,这往往是因为很多事情累积的结果。

  have been treated unfairly 受到不公平待遇

  So, a common reason for crying at work seems to be a build-up of resentments -feelings of anger when you think you have been treated unfairly or have been forced to accept something you don't like.所以,在公共场合哭泣似乎通常是因为长期积累的怨恨,怨恨指你觉得自己受到不公平待遇或者被迫接受自己不喜欢的东西时,产生的生气情绪。

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