
雅思口语| 很干净就是very clean吗?看7.5分学生怎么说!

2020-07-02 16:25



  on a shoestring 以极少的金钱

  I decorated my house on a shoestring budget.我花了很少的钱装修房子。

  The movie was made on a shoestring budget. 这部电影是靠小额预算拍出来的。

  I live on a shoestring. 我过着极节俭的生活

  The theatre will be run on a shoestring. 这个戏院将小本经营。

  starstruck adj. 崇拜明星的; 一心想当明星的ADJ If you describe someone as starstruck, you mean that they are very interested in and impressed by famous performers, or that they want to be a performer themselves.

   ...a starstruck teenager who auditions for a TV dance show ...一名参加电视舞蹈表演试演、一心想当明星的少年

  If I saw Zhang Hanyun, I think I would be starsruck, cuz I have been a big fan of her since 2005. 如果我看到张含韵的话我一定会超级激动,崇拜她。因为从2005年开始我就是她的粉丝了。

  spill the beans 说漏嘴  (通常都是无心之失)

  I told Lucy that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. God, I just spilled the beans. 我告诉露西说她男朋友一直在劈腿。天呐,我不小心说漏嘴了。

  spick and span 崭新的,极干净的

  Their house is always spick and span. 他们家总是收拾得清清爽爽。

  She always keeps her kitchen spick and span. 她总是把厨房收拾得干干净净的。

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