
雅思口语| 很简单就是very easy吗?看7.5分同学怎么说!

2020-07-02 16:25



  go round in circles 绕圈子;没有任何进展

  The politicians talked for hours but they couldn't come to an agreement; they were just going round in circles.那些政客们讨论了好几个小时却没有达成协议,他们一直在绕圈子。

  have a beef with sb. 对某人有点意见

  I had a beef with my teacher about the amount of homework we were getting.对于家庭作业的量我对我的老师有点意见。

  Mark had a beef with his wife over parking their car. He thought she always parked it very badly.马克对他的妻子有意见,关于停车。他觉得她总是停得很糟糕。

  live in la-la land 想法不切实际

  She's clearly living in la-la land — how can we ever afford to buy a house with the little money we earn?显然,她的想法不切实际,我们挣的这么少,怎么可能买得起房子呢?

  My boyfriend's living in la-la land if he thinks I'm going sailing with him — I get seasick!如果我男朋友觉得我会和他一起去航行的话,那他可真是不切实际,我会晕船啊!

  not rocket science 很简单  (通常和否定在一起用,用于非正式场合)

  This is not rocket science, but let's do it anyway.这也不是天书,没那么可怕的,做做看吧。

  ----How do I cook this soup?我应该怎样煮这个汤?

  -----Come on , it's not rocket science, all you have to do is open the tin and heat it up.别这样,这么简单的事情,你只需要打开罐头然后加热。

  ----I can't understand why our company is in such a mess?我不能理解为什么我们的公司这么混乱?

  ----It's not rocket science to figure that out - there are too many managers!这么容易理解的事情--有太多的经理了!

  (本文来源:BBC Learning English)

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