

2020-06-06 11:14



  chew the fat 侃大山 (闲聊,一点都不严肃,八卦比较多)

  Alright, let's just chew the fat. 咱们来聊会儿天吧。

  writing on the wall 不祥之兆 (不好的事将要发生在某事或某人上而且你不能对其采取任何措施)

  The owner of the company is really sad because she had to go bankrupt. To be honest, the writing has been on the wall for her business for a long time.


  Firms like HP have seen the writing on the wall: waste is heading for a redesign. 如惠普这样的公司已经看到了征兆:废弃物将面临新生。

  My teachers told me if I don't try harder the writing is on the wall.我的老师告诉我如果我再不努力学习就会有不祥之兆了。

  use your loaf 动动脑筋 (你对某人微微有些生气因为他们做了某件没有慎重考虑的事)

  Use your loaf, girl! Your boyfriend has been chatting with his so-called sister for 3 months,but you just ignored it. 姑娘,动动脑子好吗!你男朋友都和他所谓的妹妹聊天聊了三个月了。但是你视而不见。

  Use your loaf, OK? Tong zhuo, how can you tell others that you have cheated in your college entrance examination?动动脑子好吗?仝卓你怎么能跟别人说你高考作假了呢?

  left, right and centre 到处,一直

  My girlfriend spends money left, right and centre.我女朋友经常到处花钱。

  I've been looking for it left, right and centre. Where did you find it? 我前后左右都找遍了——你是在哪儿找到的呢?

  You can't miss that new film; they've been promoting it left, right, and centre.你不能错过那部新电影;他们在到处对这部电影进行宣传。

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