2020-05-27 16:36
1 put on mascara 涂睫毛膏
When you put on mascara , it makes your eyelashes longer and bigger.
2 a professional make-up artist 专业化妆师
3 eyeliner 眼线笔
The eyeliner will go around the top and bottom of your eyes. It just makes your eyes look bigger. 眼线笔则是画在眼睛上面和下面周围的。这会让你的眼睛看起来更大。
4 eye shadow 眼影
Next, apply eye shadow from the root of the lash all the way to the brow. Concentrate moreshadow at the lash roots, then blend it out.
5 concealer 遮瑕
Now, a "concealer" basically will erase the bags under your eyes, and it will make your skin tone an even color.遮瑕可以去除你的眼袋,而且会让你的肤色变得均匀。
6 freckles雀斑
"Freckles" are little dots on your face and if you don't like them, you can use concealer to cover your freckles.雀斑是指你脸上的小点,如果你不喜欢它的话,你可以用遮瑕去盖住或者藏住你的雀斑。
7 blush 腮红
The general method for applying blush is to smile, find the apples of your cheeks, and thenrun the blush brush over them. 通常涂腮红的方法是,微笑,找到你的脸颊,然后在上面涂上腮红。
8 wear a hint of red lipstick 涂了少量的红色唇膏
She also wore a hint of red lipstick. 那天,她还涂了少量的红色唇膏。