
雅思口语:‘吃很多’就是eat a lot 吗?看8分同学怎么说!

2020-05-27 16:30



  pig out暴饮暴食,吃很多

  PHRASAL VERB If you say that people are pigging out, you are criticizing them for eating a very large amount at one meal or over a short period of time. 

  Some are so accustomed to pigging out, they can't cut back.有些人习惯暴饮暴食了,他们不可能缩减食量。

  We can pig out on potato chips and cookies. 我们可以大吃薯条和曲奇。

  put out fires 解决问题(解决紧急问题而不是普通任务)

  I have been busy putting out fires!我一直忙着解决问题呢!

  significant other 另一半; 指配偶或恋人

  And I think I'm going to bring my significant other.我还想要带上我的另一半。

  on the fly 匆忙地

  I thought of an excuse on the fly.我急忙想了个理由。

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