

2020-05-27 11:35



很多备考雅思口语的同学,脑海里都会有一个个的小问号:口语没有标准答案,到底怎么说才能得高分呢?是不是只要把自己的回答一字一句的写出来、背得烂熟,就一定能的高分?还是应该像江湖传言所说,口语打分是玄学,那我干脆就啥也不准备,考试的时候来个freestyle,然后听天由命?有的同学知道口语有个叫评分标准的东西,好像很重要,可是到底要怎么说才真正符合评分标准的要求,又是一头雾水。其实呢,雅思口语真的不像大家想的那样神秘和令人疑惑,只要我们能够正确的理解评分标准的要求,并找到对路的策略和技巧,你就已经走在了口语拿高分的康庄大道上。今天,我们就来结合评分标准,把native speaker最常用的对话策略和技巧交给大家,助你在屠鸭之路上一路狂奔,乐不思蜀。

Fluency and Coherence (流利和连贯)

1. 填充词 using fillers

Um...Ah...Well...Yeah...I guess...Personally...,这些没有什么实际意思,看起来可有可无、像是废话的表达,在使用英语进行的日常交流中其实非常重要,它们不仅能给你一些思考的时间,还能在一定程度上起到连接的作用,让你的表达听起来更自然。


What's your favorite number?

Well, personally, I don’t have a favourite number. And to be honest, I’m not sure what it really means to have a favourite number. But I certainly don’t have one.

这里的wellpersonallyto be honest,都是native speaker口语中使用频率极高的fillers,多去使用这些表达,会让你的谈话听起来自然无比,而缺少了它们,你说的话在考官听起来可能就有点太规整、太书面了。

Did you ever learn to ride a bike?

Yes, I did. Hmmm... Let my think. It was during the Spring Festival. My parents bought me a really wonderful new bike. I was taught by...

这段话中的的亮点是“Hmmm。。。Let me think.”, 自己学没学过骑自行车,你肯定记得很清楚,但是具体是什么时候学的,很可能就需要努力去回想一下了,不少同学把每一个回答、回答中的每一句话都背的滚瓜烂熟,最后的分数却很不理想,也许原因就是你的什么都熟让考官觉得你是在背答案,而不是真的在和他交流。学会了“Hmmm。。。Let me think.”,下次考试的时候你就可以戏精上身,就算是背熟的答案,也要努力去把它演得很自然。

2. 模糊表达 being unclear

下次口语考试,你可以尝试把下面的这些表达自然的添加到你的回答中: ...and so on....something like that....more or less....a couple of......tons of...,可能会有惊喜哦。


How long have you had your current haircut?

Well, to be honest, I don’t remember exactly when I had it cut. But I think it must have been about hmmm..., must been about two months ago, more or less anyway.

同样的表达也可以用在Part 2的回答中。


Describe a time when you gave some advice to another person.

Well, I’m going to tell you about the time when I gave some advice to my best friend David. I don’t remember exactly when this was. But I think it must have been about ten years ago, more or less, something like that.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy (语法使用的范围和准确)

3. 混用时态 mixing tenses

如果考官问了一个关于现在的问题,你可以先说一下过去的情况。这样不仅很自然的扩展了你的回答,符合6分以上的评分标准中speak at length的要求,而且还能展示你灵活准确使用时态的能力。


Do you like to go to the zoo?

As a child, I enjoyed going to zoos with my family to see animals native to China and foreign species as zoos were fun, interesting and educational. Today I would only go to wildlife sanctuaries to view the animals. It is disheartening to see wild animals caged up and deny their freedom.

Do you enjoy travelling?

Yes, that is the one thing that I really do enjoy. But I have done so much travelling in the past that at the moment I am just enjoying life in one place. I like travelling by plane, especially when I....

4. 展示变化 showing range


Pastused toremember doing, was doing (when), had done, if I hadn’t..., somebody said...


“I use to travel a lot with my family and I remember going to Shanghai for the first time, and it was really eye-opening.”

“I suppose If I hadn’t chosen accounting, I would have chosen history.”

“My classmate told me it was a good movie.”

Past to presenthave donehave been doing

Present(sth.) is done-er than (not) as...as...which...


“...water pollution, which is being caused by factory waste...”

“My hometown isn’t as big as Beijing”

Future: If... willIf... would(非真实条件句)

“If public transport were free, more people would use the subway and so on.”

Lexical Resource (词汇多样性)

5. 使用成语 using idioms

Idiom, 习语、成语、惯用语,总是以固定词组的形式出现,有一个特定的实际含义,和字面上的意思不同。在口语中恰当的使用习语,不仅显得地道,也会使你的表达更加生动。


Is the subject you’re learning interesting?

Well, to be honest, not really. There are a number of things I would far rather be studying. I guess it is a means to an end, so I have to knuckle down and keep my nose to the grindstone.

keep your nose to the grindstone, 字面意思是保持你的鼻子一直对着磨石,大家可以猜测一下这里它的真正含义是什么。想象有块儿磨石放你前面的桌子上,在什么时候你的鼻子会一直对着它,一定是你在很专注的埋头磨东西的时候对不对,所以在这里,keep your nose to the grindstone表达的意思就是 work very hard for a long time。比较一下这两个表达,哪个更生动形象,更容易让听你说话的人有画面感,是不是一目了然呢。

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

I prefer to study in the afternoon. I really am not a morning person and being a bit of a night owl, I often stay up late and burn the midnight oil. So I’m usually very tired in the morning.

原来中英文之间有这么多相似的表达,night owl,夜晚的猫头鹰,我们说夜猫子;burning the midnight oil, 烧午夜的油,和我们中文的开夜车也是心心相印。

6. 越大越好 the bigger, the better



animals可以说成faunabuses中下有轨道上有电线的那种叫tramsbother or sister可以用sibling来表达,home可以换成dwelling或者abodebig city也可以用metropolis来替代,fish是一种marine life...


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