

2020-05-18 10:30



  1 Sorry?(最地道,老外用得最多的,注意音调上扬)

  2 Excuse me ?  (这个相对正式一点)

  3 Pardon?  (这个听起来很正式)

  4 I beg your pardon? (这个听起来超级正式,一般对长者,或者上层社会)

  5 What was that? (介于正式和非正式之间) 或者What was that, sorry?

  6 What did you say? 或者What did you say,sorry? 

  7 I don't understand, could you say that again please?= I don't understand, please could you say that again ?

  8 Sorry, what did you just say? (就重复刚刚说的那个)=What did you say just then?

  9 Sorry, I didn't quite catch that? (自己没有全懂,懂了一部分)= Sorry, I didn't quite get that.

  10 Would you mind speaking up a bit? 能稍微大点声吗?

  11 Sorry, I'm not following what you're saying. =Wait a second. I'm a bit lost. 你可能知道对方说的每个词,但是不太懂这个句子组在一起的意思

  12 Would you mind slowing down a bit? I'm struggling to follow.   别人说得太快时

  13 I'm not sure I understand what you mean by...就具体一个词没听懂,其他都懂时= I’m not sure what you mean by...

  14 I'm sorry to interrupt, but would you mind repeating... 打断别人让对方重复= I‘m sorry to butt in, but....

  本文来源:English with Lucy

  • 郑州新东方雅思培训
  • 郑州新东方雅思培训