

2020-05-08 10:44



  squeak /skwiːk/ 发出吱吱声

  They do not squeak. They are actually very quiet. 不会发出吱吱声,很安静。

  snug 紧绷绷的adj.

  The shoes were a little too snug so I continued to wear them hoping they would stretch out. That didn’t seem to happen.  这个鞋子有点太紧了,所以我想着继续穿会不会撑大,然而并没有。

  a very comfy /ˈkʌmfi/ insole 舒适的鞋垫 (comfy是comfortable的非正式说法)

  These shoes have a very comfy insole /ˈɪnsəʊl/ . 这鞋子有很舒适的鞋垫。

  go with 搭配

  This shade of brown goes with almost any color pants and look very good with jeans as well. 这个棕色的色度几乎可以很任何颜色的裤子搭配,搭配牛仔裤也很好。

  sturdy/ˈstɜːdi/ 结实的

  I absolutely think they are worth the price tag! They are as comfortable as slippers but seem pretty sturdy too.  我觉得很值这个价,跟拖鞋一样舒服,但又似乎很结实。

  be100% satisfied 超级满意

  I ordered my size and had to return them and get a bigger size because they were really tight on the top of my feet but now I'm 100% satisfied! 我买了自己平时的尺寸,但是后来换了个大一码的,因为脚背那个有点紧,但现在我超级满意。

  back slips off heel 脚后跟会滑下来

  They are comfy, but back slips off heel often which gets annoying if you’re doing more walking. 舒服,但是脚后跟会滑下来,多走点路就觉得很烦人。

  slip-on shoes不系带子的;易于穿上或脱下的鞋子

  burgundy /ˈbɜːɡəndi/  shoes紫红色的鞋子  (这个词来自勃艮第葡萄酒,是法国的一个地名,葡萄酒不就是紫红色的吗)

  ruby shoes红宝石色的鞋子

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