

2020-04-21 10:27



  have plants inside their homes 在家里养绿植

  Many people enjoy having plants inside their homes, especially when it is cold outside.许多人喜欢在家里养绿植,尤其是在室外很冷的时候。

  houseplant 室内植物

  But sometimes houseplants need a little help. If they are struggling, houseplants will let you know.


  show discolored leaves 叶子开始变色

  stem 茎

  They show discolored leaves, and their stems droop – or no longer stand strong or tall.And there will be little or no growth.


  get enough light 得到足够的光照

  "If they aren't getting enough light, the leaves will yellow or turn brown and they will be slow to develop."


  the wrong soil moisture 土壤水分比例不合适

  Leaves with the wrong colors can also mean other problems.These include root problems, insects hurting the plant, the wrong soil moisture, or bad light conditions or temperatures.颜色不对劲的叶子也意味着还有其他问题。这些问题包括根部生长、昆虫的侵扰、土壤水分比例不合适或光线状况或温度不适宜生长。

  get stressed when it is too warm 当温度太高时,它们也会无法茁壮生长

  These plants do not like to be cold, but they also get stressed when it is too warm.这些植物不耐寒,但是当温度太高时,它们也会无法茁壮生长。

  pruning 修剪

  Pruning helps with shaping, removing dead matter, and keeping the plants from drooping.修剪有助于塑造、去除枯萎部分和防止植物下垂。

  succulent 多肉植物

  Succulents are great. They can go without water for long periods of time.多肉植物就很好养。它们可以长时间不用浇水。

  need fertilizer to put on growth 需要肥料来助其生长

  "Fertilize in late winter as days get longer and plants wake up and will need fertilizer to put on growth during spring."


  overwater 浇水过多

  Watering plants too much is a leading cause of losing houseplants. So, be careful not to overwater.给植物浇水太多是导致室内植物养分流失的主要原因。所以,小心不要浇水过多。

  lose oxygen 缺氧

  Plants lose oxygen when they get too much water,especially the roots. They'll drown.植物在摄取到过多的水时会缺氧。特别是根。他们会被淹死。

  have holes cut in the bottoms 底部有孔

  Be sure the pots have holes cut in the bottoms so that extra water can get out需要确保,其底部有孔,以便多余的水可以排出来。

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