

2020-04-20 09:39



   department store 百货店

  I like to go shopping and I usually go to the department stores, although they can be a little bit expensive. 我喜欢购物,通常会去一些百货商店。虽然有点贵。

  flea market 跳蚤市场

  There are flea markets which I enjoy to just have a look around. I don't buy used clothes that often unless I need them for an event or university event or something. Jewelry I love to buy. 我喜欢去一些跳蚤市场看看。我不太喜欢买二手衣服,除非要参加什么活动,或者大学的活动。不过我会喜欢珠宝。

   catch my attention 吸引我的注意力

  I really don't like shopping. I'm usually very easily bored with buying things. I try to make really quick decisions, the only exception being with jewelry because it always catches my attention, and then I end up spending too much money, so yes, shopping is definitely not a thing I like to do very often.我不爱购物,买东西我很容易觉得无聊。我自己会很快做决定,唯一例外的是珠宝,因为总能抓住注意力,最后花了很多钱,所以是的,我很少购物。

  browse 逛What do I think about shopping? Well, I don't really go shopping unless I have to buy clothes or things that I need for the house. If I need them, I will go out and buy them, but I don't really like to browse and look around too much, window shop, anything like that.我怎么看购物?我很少买东西除非买衣服或者家里需要的东西。如果我需要,自己会出门买。但我不喜欢逛街和到处看,或者橱窗购物等。

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