
雅思口语| ‘发疯’就是crazy吗?看7.5分学生怎么说!

2020-04-15 11:47



  pull something out of a hat  突施妙计,做了一件出乎意料的事,而且扭转了糟糕的情况

  We thought we'd never complete the project on time but somehow, Javeed managed to pull it out of the hat.我们本以为我们不能准时完成这个项目了,可是贾韦德出乎意料地搞定了项目。

  Our team has had a bad season but they still managed to pull a cup victory out of the hat by the end of it.我们队这赛季成绩不好,不过他们仍出乎意料地在赛季末获得了杯赛冠军。

  know one's onions 精通某事

  If you ever need someone to fix your computer, ask Bob, he really knows his onions!如果你需要人来修你的电脑,问罗伯,他确实精通电脑。

  Look, you got full marks in the maths test - you really do know your onions.看啊,你在数学考试中拿了满分--你的确精通数学啊。

  That tour guide really knew her onions, didn't she?那个导游很精通啊,不是吗?

  with a pinch of salt 不完全相信;有所保留地

  Apparently they're going to sell the company and make everyone redundant.显然他们不会卖掉公司来让所有人被解雇。

  You should take it with a pinch of salt; it's only a rumour.你应该别完全相信这个,这只是个流言。

  The other day he told me he speaks 23 languages fluently.那天他告诉我他会流利地说23种语言。

  I take everything he says with a pinch of salt because I know he likes to exaggerate.我并不完全相信他说的因为我知道他喜欢夸张。

  go bananas 发疯

  What happened? You are going bananas!发生什么了?你疯了!

  I'm so happy that I finally got my promotion. Yesterday I went bananas! I ended up running around the office, hugging and kissing my boss and every single co-worker!我终于升职了,我真是太高兴了。昨天我都发疯了!我在办公室里跑来跑去,亲吻拥抱老板和每一名同事!

  Don't talk about math any more. I'll go bananas. 别再跟我提数学了,我快发疯了!

  be head over heels 陷入情网

  He is gorgeous! I am head over heels in love with him!他太帅了!我完全迷上他了!

  She is a hopeless romantic: she is always head over heels in love with somebody.她是一个无可救药的浪漫主义者:她总是会疯狂地爱上某个人。

  (来源:BBC The English We Speak)

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