2020-04-15 11:47
1 fairly 相当地(比quite听起来更上层社会一点)
When my contact lens was in my eye, it was fairly uncomfortable.形眼镜在眼睛里的时候,我特别不舒服。
2 terribly 非常(中性词哈,上层社会常使用)
I went to the party and it was a terribly lovely party and there were many people there.我去了一个派对,特别有意思,人非常多。
It's terribly important for parents to be consistent. 父母要做到始终如一,这是极
3 awfully非常(中性词哈,上层社会常使用)
Borris is an awfully good chap.鲍里斯是一个非常棒的小伙子。
I'm awfully sorry about that problem the other day. 我对前几天的那个问题感到非常遗憾。
Awfully hot, isn't it? 非常热,是不是?
4 bare=very 非常 (俚语)
And when my contact lens got stuck in my eye, I was bare stressed. You know that." 我隐形眼镜卡在眼睛里了,我特别紧张。
5 nough =really 非常 (俚语)
I couldn't get it out. I was nough upset. I didn't know what to do." 我没法把它弄出来,感觉非常烦,不知道该怎么办了。
6 bloody 该死的=irritating=annoying (bloody是脏话,以前的时候语气很强烈,但是现在没那么强了。后面两个单词比bloody要委婉)
The bloody contact lens finally came out.那个该死的隐形眼镜终于弄出来了。
The kitchen was a bloody mess. 厨房太TM乱啦。
7 flipping 该死的=frigging (脏话)
My flipping contact lens got stuck in my eye. 该死的隐形眼镜卡在眼睛里了。