

2020-04-08 10:46



  1 more often than not 多半;通常

  I wore glasses then and I still wear glasses now but actually more often than not I wear my contact lenses now. 我那个时候戴眼镜,我现在也戴,但多半戴隐形眼镜。

  Babies more often than not will copy the face next to them.婴儿往往会模仿身边人的面部表情

  For instance, if you fail an exam, more often than not the reason might be found in your study habits . 举个例子,假如你考试没通过,究其原因通常是由于你的学习习惯。

  2 somehow 不知道什么原因,不知为什么

  Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him. 不知为什么,我觉得不能信任他。

  3I am so embarrassed to say this, but...说起来有点尴尬

  Also in high school, I had really bad acne/ˈækni/ . I had pimples all over my face so my face was red often, and one year, I am so embarrassed to say this, but I had a permanent. I had a perm, which is curly hair, and I looked really, really stupid. 高中的时候我有粉刺,脸上都是痘痘,常常是红的。有一年我还烫头发了,说起来有点尴尬,就是有卷卷的头发,然后那个看起来真的好傻。


  I wore glasses then/ and I still wear glasses now /but actually /more often than not/ I wear my contact lenses now. 

  特别注意still /stɪl/ 里面有个l

  more often 之间连读

  than /ðən/ 弱读

  now /naʊ/ 里面的元音发音要饱满

  Babies /more often than not /will copy the face/ next to them.

  will/wɪl/ 注意里面的l

  copy/ˈkɒpi/ 元音要发准

  next to注意音的省略

  For instance,/ if you fail an exam,/ more often than not/ the reason might be found/ in your study habits . 

  for instance 连读

  if /ɪf/ 注意元音发音

  fail an exam 连读

  reason /ˈriːzn/  注意元音发音,它不是ei

  might be 失去爆破

  found 拉长元音/faʊnd/ 

  in /ɪn/ 注意元音

  study/ˈstʌdi/ 注意元音,注意浊化

  habits/'hæbɪts/注意æ 和ɪ,ts就像汉语c的音

  Somehow,/ I don't feel /I can trust him. 

  somehow /ˈsʌmhaʊ/ 

  feel /fiːl/ 注意里面的l

  trust him 连读

  Also in high school, /I had really bad acne/ˈækni/ . /I had pimples/ all over my face/ so my face was red often,/ and one year,/ I am so embarrassed to say this,/ but I had a permanent./ I had a perm,/ which is curly hair, /and I looked really, really stupid. 



  had pimples   这里d不读,但是留时间

  all over 连读


  was 弱读

  and one year 这里and里面的d可以不读

  this 注意i的发音

  which is 连读

  looked 这里ed 发t

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