
雅思口语:Food 美食高分语料

2020-03-24 10:35



  pawpaw/ˈpɔːpɔː/ 木瓜

  Mango and banana in one,this is how the taste of the pawpaws usually described.芒果和香蕉的结合,这就是木瓜的味道。

  tropical fruit 热带水果

  This tropical fruit, considered to be the largest native grown in North America is making a comeback, after disappearing from the United States many years ago when farmers decided. In recent years the food has been slowly introduced in Virginia and Maryland and the exotic tree is back where is belongs,这种热带水果曾被认为是北美最大面积的本土植物,后来因农场主认为其他作物更有利可图而在美国本土消失多年,最近几年,这种食物被慢慢引进弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州,这棵外国水果树回到了属于它的地方。

  pawpaw jam 木瓜果酱

  This is pawpaw jam, and we just deport them in here add some lemon juice to decrease the acidity and preserve them and a little sugar to taste and put that on toast and other fruits.这是木瓜果酱,我们只是将它们放进这里然后添加一些柠檬汁来降低酸味还利于保存,加一点糖调味,你可以放点在面包片上,或者其他水果上抹一点。

  spread it on apples 抹一点在苹果上

  be all-around delicious 味道好极了

  You can spread it on apples and it's just all-around delicious.你可以抹一点在苹果上,真的味道好极了。

  sweetener 甜味剂

  It has a lot of sugar in it, so you add that in instead of this a sweetener and it's pretty delicious. 因为里面含有很多糖分,所以它可以代替甜味剂,而且味道特别棒。

  as a pizza topping做披萨配料

  Pawpaw can be added to ice cream and used as a pizza topping most agree.


  is best consumed 最受欢迎的

  However that is best consumed fruit.然而还是作为最受欢迎的水果。

  do not have much of an appetite 胃口不好

  Kids especially love it, says this mother of a toddler who did not have much of an appetite today,until he tried the fruit.孩子们尤其喜欢这种水果,这位带着孩子的母亲说,他儿子胃口不好,吃了木瓜之后就变了。

  eat it to one's heart content 吃的心满意足

  It is amazing. He is just eating it to his heart content.太神奇了,他吃的心满意足。

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