
雅思口语Part1: Languages

2020-03-11 21:05



  1 polyglot /ˈpɒliɡlɒt/ n. 通晓并使用多种语言的人adj. 通晓(或使用)多种语言的;用多种语言写成的  (poly-,多,复,聚,-glot,语言,舌头)

  How do actually other polyglots do it?


  2 enable sb. to learn languages so much faster than other people让我们比别人学语言学得快多了

  And what is it that enables us to learn languages so much faster than other people?是什么让我们较之他人能够更快的学习语言?

  3 start speaking from day one 从第一天就开始说出口

  He told me that his method is to start speaking from day one. He learns a few phrases from a travel phrasebook and goes to meet native speakers and starts having conversations with them right away. He doesn't mind making even 200 mistakes a day. 他告诉我他用的方法是 从第一天就开始说出口。他从一本旅游指南上学了一些词组,然后就去见母语者,立马和他们展开对话。他不介意一天犯 200 个错误。

  4 work on sth.努力做某事

  Currently I'm working on my eighth one.现在我正在学第八门外语。

  5 achieve fluency 说得流利

  Although many people have been learning English for ages, it's still hard of difficult for them to achieve fluency. I think that's because they'are not brave enough to speak with others, and often worry about mistakes. 

  They just think maybe others will make fun of them. 他的朋友们甚至取笑他,尽管很多人学习英语已经很多年了,但是依旧没办法说得流利。因为他们不敢和别人交流,怕犯错。他们觉得别人可能会取笑自己。

  6 gibberish/ˈdʒɪbərɪʃ/ 莫名其妙的话;胡话;令人费解的话

  At the beginning it was all just gibberish. seriously, the dialogue started to make sense.最开始我基本上听不懂。说真的,我能渐渐听明白对话了。

  7 shortcut 捷径

  We have no shortcut to learning languages.我们也没有学习语言的捷径。

  8 turn......into a pleasant activity把...转变为一种有趣活动

  We should know how to turn language learning from a boring school subject into a pleasant activity which you don't mind doing every day.

  我们应该知道如何将语言学习从 一项枯燥的学校课程转变为一项你不介意 每天都做的有趣活动。

  9 keep words long term 长期记住单词

   revise them in the course of a few days repeatedly隔几天就复习一下

  If you, however, want to keep words long term, you need to revise them in the course of a few days repeatedly如果你想长期记住单词,就需要隔几天就复习一下。

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