
雅思口语Part3: Makeup化妆品

2020-03-02 19:18



  go out without putting one's face on 不化妆就出门

  Have you ever gone out without putting your face on?你有不化妆就出门的经历吗?

  a dash of foundation一点粉底

  blusher 腮红

  mascara 睫毛膏

  Whether it's a dash of foundation or a full application of lipstick, blusher or mascara, many would consider make-up essential before being seen.无论是粉底还是口红、腮红或睫毛膏,很多人都会认为化妆是必不可少的。

  beauty retailer 美容产品零售商

  According to a survey by Fragrance Direct, a leading UK beauty retailer,the average UK woman uses twelve beauty products in their beauty regime daily -

   that's approximately 500 spent annually.根据英国著名美容产品零售商"香水直销店"的一项调查,英国女性平均每天使用12种美容产品-大约每年花费500英镑。

  environmentally damaging 对环境有害

  70% of cosmetics are manufactured using palm oil - a substance which is controversial,and, according to many, environmentally damaging.70%的化妆品是用棕榈油生产的-棕榈油是一种有争议的物质,而且据许多人说,它对环境有害。

  deforestation 森林被砍伐

  Between 1990 and 2008, oil palm tree plantations were responsible for the deforestation of around 8% of the world's forests.1990年至2008年间,油棕种植园造成了全球约8%的森林被砍伐。

   a loss of biodiversity and habitat for wildlife 生物多样性和野生动物栖息地的丧失

  This leads to a loss of biodiversity and habitat for wildlife -particularly those already under threat, such as the orangutan /ɔːˌræŋuːˈtæn; əˈræŋətæn/ .


  the most widely used 使用最广泛的

  ruin many people's livelihoods破坏许多人的生计

  It's the most widely used vegetable oil on the planet and responsible for an industry worth more than $40 billion.Stopping its production would ruin many people's livelihoods worldwide.棕榈油是地球上使用最广泛的植物油,对一个价值超过400亿美元的产业负有责任。停止生产将会破坏世界上许多人的生计。

  exacerbate/ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt/ the issue 使问题恶化

  This would only exacerbate the issue.


  gets printed on the cosmetic label 印在化妆品标签上

  The RSPO has a logo,but it rarely gets printed on the cosmetic label.


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