
雅思口语Part3: Personality性格

2020-02-20 11:31



  introvert 内向的人

  That can worry introverts.这让内向的人很担心。

  get one's energy 获得能量

  They just tend to enjoy being alone, doing quieter things or being with just one friend at a time.It is how introverts get their energy.他们只是表现出更愿意自己呆着、安静做事或者一次只和一个朋友在一起。苏珊说,这是内向性格的人获得能量的方式。

  human batteries 能量电池

  Their human batteries are actually weakened by loud, busy activities.他们的能量电池会因为参与吵闹繁忙的活动而被削弱。


  their batteries are getting recharged 是一种充电的状态

  Whereas for extroverts in the exact same situation, their batteries are getting recharged.而同样的情况对于外向的人来说却是一种充电的状态。

  add much to society 对社会贡献有佳

  quiet temperament 沉静的性格

  These people add much to society because of their quiet temperament.这些人之所以对社会贡献有佳就是因为他们沉静的性格。

  be effective leaders 成为更有影响力的领导人

  One of her important findings is that introverts can be effective leaders.她有一个重要发现:内向性格的人能成为更有影响力的领导人。

  recharge their batteries 给自己重新充电

  She says they need to recharge their batteries.她说,他们这样做是为了给自己重新充电。

  be pushed into after-school activities 强迫去参加课外活动

  She says they should not be pushed into after-school activities.她说父母不应该强迫他们去参加课外活动。

  think a problem through 沉思问题

  They want to be putting their heads down, and thinking a problem through.他们更想要低头沉思问题。

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