
雅思口语Part2: 特别的一天(情人节)

2020-02-19 20:14



  1 amusement park 游乐园

  I arrived at the amusement park on the outskirts of the town at 8 a.m. or so, and glimpsed at my boyfriend Eddie, in a brownish black T-shirt, who had been waiting for me for ages.  我在早上8点左右到了一个位于郊区的游乐园,到的时候就瞥见了我的男朋友Eddie,穿了一件棕黑色的T恤。他已经在那等我很久了。

  2 come shouldering one's way through the crowd 用肩膀挤过人群

  He beamed at me and came shouldering his way through the crowd. 他冲我笑并且用肩膀挤过人群。

  3 my heart thumping very fast 我的心砰砰跳

  Although we had known each other for at least 5 years, it was the first time we were on a date. You know what, I looked at him, my heart thumping very fast. 尽管在那之前我们已经认识5年了,但那是我们第一次约会。我看着他,心砰砰跳。

  4 ride a roller coaster 坐过山车

  He suggested riding a roller coaster first. I agreed. You know it's kind of like a challenge for me. I even agreed with pleasure. But can you believe it, the moment it had moved, I was really really under great pressure. I thought I would probably fall down. What's worse, when it went down, my nerves were already stretched to the breaking point with anxiety. Seriously!  他建议先坐过山车,我同意了。毕竟对我来说是个挑战,尝试一下。我甚至有点开心地答应了。但是你知道吗,过山车动起来的时候我真的感到很有压力,怕自己会掉下去。更糟糕的是,俯冲的时候,我紧张到神经都要绷断了。

  5 hold my hand tightly 紧紧握住我的手

  What surprised me was that he held my hand tightly. It was, I'm telling you, it was the first time we were so close, although a bit, how can I put it, a bit different from what I had imagined. Anyway, it was still quite special.让我惊讶的是他紧紧握住了我的手,我跟你说,那可是第一次我们挨得这么近,尽管有点,怎么说呢,和我之前想的第一次牵手情景有些不一样吧。反正还是挺特别的。

  6 feel myself blushing 觉得自己脸红了

  After the game, we were about to find something else to have fun. So I took out the map and handed it over to him. Suddenly, when we had an eye contact, his eyes glittered really. And I don't know why. I kind of felt myself blushing.  这个项目结束之后我们准备找点别的有意思的来玩,所以我拿出地图给他看。突然,当我们有眼神接触的时候,他的眼睛好像在发光。我不知道为什么,觉得自己好像脸红了。

  7 enjoy some tasty food 品尝一些美味的食物

  When my stomach gave a huge rumble, he made up his mind to take me to the dining place to enjoy some tasty food. I'd say, a bit expensive, but it tasted really great. 当我肚子饿得咕咕叫的时候,他决定带我去餐厅吃点好吃的。我想说虽然贵了点,但尝起来还可以。

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