
雅思口语Part3: Climate change气候变化

2020-02-04 12:29




  install solar panels 安装太阳能电池板

  Buy an electric car, install solar panels, conserve water.买一辆电动车,安装太阳能电池板,节约用水。

  make a surprising difference 带来意想不到的改变

  But there's one thing you may not have thought of that can make a surprising difference, something you can start doing today - stop wasting food.但有一件事你可能想不到,它却能带来意想不到的改变,那就是你今天就可以开始做的事情--停止浪费食物。

  help fight climate change帮助应对气候变化

  When I first heard that we could help fight climate change by reducing food waste, I was shocked.当我第一次听说我们可以通过减少食物浪费来帮助应对气候变化时,我很震惊。

  goes into landfills 被扔进了垃圾填埋场

  Right now, we waste 40% of the food that's produced in the United States, and a lot of that food actually goes into landfills.现在,我们浪费了40%在美国生产的食物,很多食物都被扔进了垃圾填埋场。

  be tossed into a landfill 被扔进垃圾填埋场


  releases methane gas into the atmosphere释放出甲烷气体到大气中

  be more potent than carbon dioxide比二氧化碳更强的温室气体

  And a lot of this food is in big plastic bags, where it's tossed into a landfill, and as it decomposes, it releases methane gas into the atmosphere - a greenhouse gas that's more potent than carbon dioxide.很多食物都装在大塑料袋里,然后被扔进垃圾填埋场,当它分解时,会释放出甲烷气体到大气中,这是一种比二氧化碳更强的温室气体。

  greenhouse gas emissions 温室气体排放

  Ten percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are linked to food waste.有10%的温室气体排放与食物浪费有关。

  have a face-palm sort of moment把手捂住自己的脸表示惊讶

  It's absolutely surprising to people. I think people have a face-palm sort of moment.这绝对让人惊讶。人们听到这个消息时,可能把手捂住自己的脸表示惊讶。

  mitigate /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ climate change 减缓气候变化

  We don't necessarily think of food waste as something that we can do to help mitigate climate change and protect the planet.我们认为阻止食物浪费并不是我们为了帮助减缓气候变化和保护地球所要刻意去做的事情。

  something that we can very easily curb举手之劳的事情

  This is something that we can very easily curb. It's very easy for us to stop wasting the food that we produce.这是我们举手之劳的事情,我们可以很轻易地停止浪费我们的食物。




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