
雅思口语 | Part1: photography 拍照片

2019-12-19 14:53




  Do you like to take photographs?Why?

  If it was 3 to 4 years ago the answer is a big no.But now it has become one of my hobbies and I'm actually thinking of learning more about it.I had no idea what I can do with my iPhone until I learn to make use of its wonderful camera as well as some miracle apps.Unlike some people,I indeed want my photos to look unique,lively and somehow professional. 要是三四年前,答案肯定得是No,不过现在变成我的爱好啦。而且我还在想着学更多拍照的东西呢。以前我不知道怎么用自己的苹果手机拍照,现在我知道怎么去用手机里的相机了,也知道怎么用里面一些很棒的手机应用。和别人不一样,我会希望自己的照片看起来独特,生动,而且比较专业。

  Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take your photos?

  It would be way more comfortable taking photo myself,as I can see crystal-clear how ridiculous my face expression looks like or if there's something clinging on my hair or sticking between my teeth.And in case it's a scenery photo,I can apply the techniques I've learned to produce stunning photos. 我自己拍会更好,因为我可以清楚看到自己的表情是有多么傻,或者头发上是不是有什么,抑或是牙齿上是不是粘东西了。如果是拍风景照,我也可以用自己已经会的技巧来拍出超赞的图片。

  How long have you liked taking photographs? 你喜欢拍照多久了?

  Just recently.As a final year student,I no longer can spend hours on drawing,reading or singing.Only photography which is far more instant suits me best now.And as l enjoy my life on this campus,for example the road I walk to school everyday,the sunset,the rainbow,the trees,so photography is the best way to store my memories. 就最近吧,现在大学都到最后一年了,也没什么时间去画画,阅读或者唱歌之类的。只有摄影现在最适合我。因为我会在大学里面生活充实,所以在上学的路上,我就喜欢抓拍日落,彩虹,树之类的。这样我可以有一些不错的回忆。

  In what situations do you take photographs?

  As I've mentioned,I love capturing every moment I have here,so I take photos when I and my friends hang out,when I participate in social activities of the university and meet amazing people.However,when it comes to practice for professional photography,I prefer taking photos of scenery and foods.  我刚才也说自己很喜欢抓拍,所以我和朋友出去的时候喜欢拍照,特别是参加大学的社交活动时,还有遇见一些超棒的人时。然而,说到专业摄影,我会偏向拍些风景照和美食照。

  Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?

  Firstly,the postcards are made of thicker paper,which makes it way more convenient for long-term storage as well as decoration.Also the process of sending and receiving postcards appeared to be simpler and faster compared to photos.For those reasons,I think I would prefer sending postcards. 首先明信片一般更厚,这让它更方便保存,也是一种装饰。而且,相比照片来说,不管是寄出还是收到明信片都显得更简单和快速,基于这些原因,我会选择明信片。




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