
雅思口语 | 必考题hometown

2019-12-19 14:53




  1 Is the place where you live large or small?

  I live in Zhangshu, which is what I suppose you would call a small city. It's about 500,000 people, and it's a quiet little place which is a tourist city. We don't have any heavy industry in Zhangshu, but there are a couple of universities.  我住在樟树,我觉得你应该会说它是个小城市吧。这里有差不多50万人口。也是个比较安静的旅游城市,没有重工业,但是有好几所大学。

  2 Is it a beautiful place?

  To me it is. There are some people who would say it's not beautiful, but I like it. There aren't any big mountains or anything, but it has lots of green trees and grass, and there's a beautiful big river running right through the centre of it...flowers everywhere, and lots of gardens. I think it's lovely.  在我看来是的,有些人可能不这么想,但我喜欢我家乡。虽然没什么名山大川,但是有好多树木和草地,也有一条大河穿过城市的中心。到处也可以看到花呀,花园呀之类的。反正我家乡好看。

  3 Is there anything you don't like about this city?

  Well, the fact that it's small, of course, means that you don't get a lot of the amentities that you'd find in a bigger city. If you're interested in art galleries, or the symphony/ˈsɪmfəni/, or opera. Zhangshu is not exactly a good place to be. You have to jump in a car and drive for an hour or so to the big city for those kinds of things.  城市很小意味着没什公共设施,而这些设施一般在大城市很容易找到。比如美术馆,交响乐或者歌剧之类的。想去这些地方,樟树就不是很合适了。可能得开几个小时车到大城市去找这类型的地方了。




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