
雅思口语 | Part3: Setting goals设立目标

2019-12-19 14:52




  create milestones制定时间表

  When it comes to chasing our dreams, the only way I know to track our progress is to create milestones. Milestones show us what we are accomplishing and allow us to see how we accomplish even more.说到达成目标,我了解的唯一方法是制定时间表。时间表让我们知道自己正在达成哪些目标。并且让我们看到怎样去达成更多。

  be less likely to accomplish them不太可能达成目标

  People without goals are not as successful as they hope to be.People who don't write down goals are less likely to accomplish them.没目标的人没有他们希望的那么成功。没把目标写下来的人不太可能达成目标。

  give sb. momentum /məʊˈmɛntəm/ push through adversity /ədˈvɜːsɪtɪ/we experience 注入度过逆境的动力

  Goals give us momentum to push through adversity we experience while chasing our dreams.逐梦过程中,目标为我们注入度过逆境的动力。

  hold sb. back 让人退缩 

  The problem for so many people is that they haven't created goals which will help them succeed. And their inability to follow through because of fear or poor goal creation holds them back. 很多人的问题在于他们没能建立一些帮他们成功的目标。恐惧和糟糕的目标创建也让他们退缩,导致目标没能继续下去。

  never create action steps从不想想每一步具体怎么实施

  I would have these really vague,general ideas of things I wanted to accomplish , but never create action steps or any plans to achieve anything. This is why goals fail. 我可能会有些很模糊,很泛的想法,但没想每一步怎么具体实施。这就是为什么目标没有达成。

  be actionable 可行的

  Every goal should be actionable in terms of getting somewhere. 就达成某件事而言,每个目标应该要是可行的。

  take action in a certain timeframe 在特定的时间期限内采取行动

  You'd better have a deadline, so you are forced to take action in a certain timeframe. 最好有个截止日期,这样可以在特定的时间期限内采取行动。

  have urgency to accomplish it有完成的紧迫感

  This way you will need to map your path to success, otherwise, you will always have the goal but never have urgency to accomplish it. 这样你可以画一下自己的 成功之路还有多远,要不然你就是那种只有目标却总是不着急完成了。




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